Love Letter to the Little Red Chair
There is so much stuff for kids, so much, way too much. I confess that we own most everything…mostly sleep related stuff because my first child refused to sleep for like THREE YEARS!! but that’s a story for another day. Today we talk about this magical (I love that word) red chair. It doesn’t only come in red, that just happens to be the color that I own because I love red. This type of chair comes in many different brands, the one I own is the Inglesina Fast Table Chair, so I can only speak for that specific one, although I’m guessing they are all pretty similar. I got this chair as a hand me down from my SIL and thought it was cute but wasn't sure if I would actually use it. I mean, I own a high chair, why do I need another one that just hangs from a counter or table? Then I discovered ALL THE POSSIBILITIES. This chair travels everywhere. It can go to any restaurant and connect to any table. So all those places that don’t have high chairs available, or those fabulous outdoor spots that only have picnic tables or high tops…solution. But it gets better! Even if there are high chairs available they require a decent amount of space. This little buddy can hook onto a table right over a booth seat so you don’t need high chair space. It can also snuggle between two larger people in real chairs on a smaller table. But wait, THERE'S MORE! This chair sits higher than a traditional high chair. So for the littlest people, it holds them at an actual eating and/or interacting level at a table. If any of you have ever thrown a one year old in a traditional restaurant high chair, you have probably noticed that they can barely even reach the table. When our babies are super little, like 4 months little, we put them in this magic chair and just shove a jacket, snack bag, or whatever softish object is traveling in my diaper bag, behind the kid and it helps them sit up at the table like a big kid.
I seriously cannot sing this chair’s praises enough. I encourage every pregnant person to register for one and every new parent to run out and buy one. Without this chair our BeersWithKids travels would absolutely not be possible.
This blog is sponsored by…except I’m not sponsored. How about, this website made possible by, but not funded by, the fantastic Inglesina chair!!